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The homicide of an Ahmadi specialist in Gujarat and the secret of his supposed executioner's self destruction stay perplexing.

 The homicide of an Ahmadi specialist in Gujarat and the secret of his supposed executioner's self destruction stay perplexing.

Dr. Rashid Ahmed, a 71-year-old homeopath from the Ahmadi people group, was killed in his facility on February 19 last month in Gutriala town of Kharian tehsil of Gujarat locale, Punjab. Dr. Rashid had constructed a one-room center in his own home.

The supposed enemy of homeo specialist Rasheed Ahmed was distinguished as 20-year-old Hafiz Inamul Haque, however the case took a muddled turn when the supposed executioner shot himself and took his life not long after the occurrence. . His body was found lying in an unfilled field contiguous the facility.

How did the occurrence occur?

February 19 was a Sunday and prior to beginning the center that day, Dr. Rasheed Ahmed, not surprisingly, went to meet his wedded little girl in Doga Thial, a close by town of Gutriala.

Rashid Ahmed's child in-regulation Ziaur Rahman says that 'my sibling came from abroad. My sibling was resting when my father by marriage (Dr. Rashid) came to our home to meet him. My father by marriage prohibited him to awaken them and said that he would come to meet them later.

Rashid Ahmed got back from his little girl's home and sat at the facility.

There had been a demise in the town that day and somewhere in the range of 3:30 and 4:30 the vast majority of the locals were at the memorial service home for the memorial service when the supposed killer Hafiz Inam and his friend and colleague Babar, killed Rashid Ahmed. Found out if the specialist's center is open today?

Zakaullah and Muhammad Mehboob, the two workers of the departed Rashid Ahmad, portrayed the episode from here on: "We were cutting grass with a lawnmower at close to the facility, when Hafiz Inam, who accompanied Babar, saw us. asked that 'is the specialist at the center? I have an aggravation in my molar, I need to take medication.

"We said that the facility is open. After that we really got serious." When he came to the center ten to fifteen minutes after the fact, Dr. Rasheed was resting in a pool of blood. I (Zakaullah) took off from that point and arrived at the specialist's nephew Zarrar Ahmad and brought him along.

It ought to be recalled that Zarrar Ahmed is likewise the offended party for this situation.

"I promptly called the police and the police came sooner or later," Zarrar Ahmed told us.

What did Hafiz Inam's companion Babar educate his folks concerning the occurrence?

Sitting on a bed in the verandah of a little yet clean house in the town, Babar's mom Maruf Bibi let us know that 'on the morning of the occurrence, when the entryway of our home rang, my child Babar went out and remained there and informed me. That mother! Hafiz Inam has shown up, I'm going with him.

As per popular Bibi, Hafiz Inam and his child had constructed a marble shop in the town together and they were both cherished companions.

He said that Hafiz Inam was of high repute to me like my child. At the hour of Asr, I went to my neighbor's place to get milk, and my Deorani, Babar's auntie, dug out from a deficit to call me and let me know that something had happened to Babar.

As per Babar's mom, 'When I got back home, I saw my child sitting anxiously. He said that Anam let me know that I have an aggravation in my molar, we should go to the specialist to get medication. We went there. At the point when I went to the facility, the specialist was sitting alone. Inam let the specialist know that he had an aggravation in his molar and when the specialist went to take the medication, Hafiz Inam shot him in the neck.

"We quickly took off, I fell while leaving the center towards the fields. Inam was ahead and simultaneously he let me know that I was likewise shooting myself. I yelled 'Don't make it happen' however he shot himself and I ran home.'

Babur's dad Wilayat Hussain was brushing goats in the woods outside the town at the hour of this occurrence. He likewise recounted to us a similar story. Soon after the episode, the police came and captured Babar and removed him. Afterward, Babar recorded his equivalent explanation to the police.
Who was the departed Dr. Rashid Ahmed?

Rashid Ahmed was 71 years of age and he likewise had the citizenship of Norway. As per his family sources, Rasheed Ahmed lived in Norway with his significant other and youngsters from 1980 to 2010 however at that point got back to Pakistan.

As indicated by Rashid Ahmed's child Waqas Ahmed, 'We are eight kin. My dad used to work in a plant in Norway yet got back to the town in 2010. One of our sisters daily routines in Pakistan while different kin experience abroad. We came to Pakistan when we got the data about father.

As per Rashid Ahmed's child in-regulation Ziaur Rahman, 'My father by marriage was living alone. Both the workers were saved for work however both went to their homes at night. They lived alone around evening time and arranged their own food.

Rashid Ahmed's worker Mohammad Mehboob says that 'I am the specialist's neighbor and was likewise a parttime representative. He was a very refined man. On the off chance that an older individual came to take medication from them, they used to drop him home on a bike.

Who are the blamed for this episode, Hafiz Inamul Haque and Babar?

Hafiz Inamul Haq was 20 years of age. He was a Hafiz of the Qur'an and furthermore used to show Taraweeh in the town mosque during Ramadan.

Inamul Haque's dad was a resigned trooper and as indicated by neighborhood individuals, he ended it all by bouncing into a well a couple of years prior.

Umar Ehsan, one of Inam's siblings, let us know that we are three siblings. Inam had two shops for welding and marble. He used to go to work promptly in the first part of the day. He likewise remembered the Quran and used to educate taraweeh in the mosque during Ramadan.

Babar, who is as of now in police authority, is 21 years of age.

Both Hafiz Inam and Babur were dear companions and used to walk together in the town. Babar's dad is likewise resigned from the military and does cultivating in the actual town. As indicated by Babar's mom, her child has concentrated on up to tenth norm.

What do the locals say about Dr. Rashid, Hafiz Inam and Babar?

About Dr. Rashid Ahmed, his two workers said, "He was an exceptionally cherishing individual who likewise gave free drugs to the locals." If a patient needed to give cash willingly, he used to take a bit.

When we inquired as to whether the two young men had at any point been seen at the facility? So he said, 'We have never seen them come to the center previously and we didn't have the foggiest idea about these young men before this occurrence.'

It ought to be noticed that Hafiz Inam's shop is right close to the spot with the yard cutter, where the two workers were available at the hour of the occurrence. Furthermore, there is a distance of more than two sections of land between Rashid Ahmed's center and the said shop. Before the facility is Rashid Ahmed's nursery, which has different organic product trees. As the nursery closes, there is a wheat field, toward the finish of the field is Hafiz Inam's shop.

Hafiz Inam's body was found lying in the field contiguous the nursery right close to the facility and the front of the shop is noticeable from this spot.

We addressed different businesspeople and companions of the two young men and a couple of seniors and ladies in the town and they generally said that the young men had never been seen engaged with any savage demonstration previously.

In any case, an individual, who would have rather not uncovered his personality, said that Hafiz Inam was referencing Dr. Rashid Ahmed before somebody a couple of days prior.

An inhabitant of the town let us know that Dr. Rasheed, who has a place with the Ahmadi people group, is a neighbor of his. "These are respectable individuals, since our religions are unique, assuming that we at any point met eye to eye, the discussion was restricted to hi."

Ace Muhammad Ehsan from a similar town says that Hafiz Inam's dad had a psychological issue that he bounced into the well and ended his own life. Inam was a decent kid. He used to regard him a ton on the off chance that he met him on the way. The other kid, Babar, was likewise great. Rashid Ahmed's religion was unique however he was an honorable and enlightened individual.

For what reason did the homicide occur? What are the townspeople thinking?

For what reason was Rashid Ahmed killed? The Ahmadi people group as well as the residents have blended sees on this inquiry and shun discussing the episode.

Hafiz Inam's sibling let us know that 'my sibling had no transactions with Rashid Ahmed, nor any private enmity or resentment.'

Babar's mom and father, who are in police authority, additionally say that neither they nor their child had any dealings with Rashid Ahmed, nor any private resentment.

Be that as it may, Dr. Rasheed Ahmed has had property debates in the past with his friends and family, who don't have a place with his local area.

Rashid Ahmed's nephew Zarrar Ahmed said that "my uncle has definitely disliked his sibling Zaida." My uncle had fabricated a house, which these individuals effectively purchased and introduced a cylinder well on a real estate parcel, they likewise claimed the spot of that cylinder well.'

In such manner, Rashid Ahmed's brother by marriage let us know that he was my brother by marriage. Albeit the comings and goings are less because of the distinction in conviction, they were awesome and honorable men. We never had any squabble with him, he had a house which was purchased by my uncle's child and that house was sold by Rashid Ahmed himself. Notwithstanding, his family members, who are Ahmadis, snatched some land from my brother by marriage.

Someone else from the town says that the house that Dr. Rashid Ahmed sold was not worth the value that could have been paid. The house was more costly.

So did this killing occur for the real sake?

The inquiry is that authentic in light, this killing occurred? At the point when put before the locals, generally would not talk about it.

A couple of guaranteed, on state of namelessness, that 'it is valid, the killing was finished based on trust yet the young men were lured. It isn't realized who delude.

As indicated by a direct relation of Hafiz Inam, 'Hafiz Inam had remembered the Quran from a neighborhood theological college. The greater part of the populace here in this town is of Sunni religion. Aside from one mosque, the other mosques additionally have a place with the previously mentioned organization. The doubt is there that somebody has tempted the kids on a strict level for naughtiness.

He further expressed that there was no private resentment and the Ahmadi individual who was killed was neither an evangelist of his confidence nor a contentious individual. The exchange was likewise not of any sort, then what more space is left. Be that as it may, until the police examination is finished and the realities are not uncovered, nothing can be said authoritatively.

Since the episode, individuals of the Ahmadi people group living in the space have stayed quiet and are declining to respond to questions.

Bashir Ahmed, who is a relative of the departed Rashid Ahmed, says, "We fail to see the reason why this episode occurred." Obviously, there is no strict issue behind it. The departed's nephew, Zarar Ahmed, had a similar thought.

Galiana police headquarters SI and the exploring official of the case, Nadeem Butt, let us know that 'the examination is progressing and no assertion can be made with regards to this issue.'

When he was asked, whose gun was utilized in this episode? So they said that 'those young men were given a gun by a third kid ten or twelve days prior, yet since kid has traveled to another country.'

Has there at any point been a strict struggle in the town?

Preceding this episode, two significant strict struggles had happened in the town.

An episode occurred in the nineties. There is a mosque here called Dande Wali Masjid, which is arranged at an extremely high spot in the town.

Previously, Ahmadis additionally used to venerate in this mosque. However, on one occasion researchers from another town came and tended to them and said that it isn't admissible for Ahmadis to adore in the mosques of Muslims. It was named 'Masjid Khatman Nabubat'.

The subsequent occurrence occurred in 2012 when the sibling of Basheer Ahmad, who had a place with the Ahmadi people group, was approached to eliminate the word on the entryway. A debate emerged over this and the matter was halted with the intercession of the police.

"After our refusal and to end the contention, a cop deleted the word from that point," Bashir Ahmad told us.

For what reason were Ahmadis permitted to love in the mosque? Certain individuals say that we are undeniably related.

What was the distinction in the idea of the relationship after the occasions of the two strict struggles?

It ought to be noted here that the greater part of individuals living in Gutriala town are connected with one another. There are likewise the places of a couple of individuals having a place with the Ahmadi people group, every one of them well off individuals and direct relations of the main individuals of the town.

Individuals we addressed in the town express that after a couple of occurrences, the Ahmadi people group became confined and quit visiting one another. Relationships and delights and distresses started to be communicated on phones.

There are a sum of twelve mosques in this town and the strict pattern in the town is very high.

In the 2018 races, from the electorate wherein the town is found, a head of a strict party got in excess of 29,000 votes. A columnist from Gujarat told us, "A study was led here before the 2018 decisions and it was observed that the strict vote is en masse and the majority of the residents have a strict direction."

For what reason did Hafiz Inam purportedly end it all by shooting Rasheed Ahmed? Neither the police nor the residents have a ton of familiarity with this as of now.

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