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Thief in India

Thief in India

 The thief of the 'Town of Cheats' in India, who took abundance from the rich and disseminated it to poor people

Have you known about Robin Hood? You probably heard stories in which cheats and crooks ransack the rich and afterward circulate the plunder to poor people.

Many movies and dramatizations have been made on such cheats and the most renowned name in such stories is 'Robin Hood'.

In the southern territory of Andhra Pradesh in India, there was a comparable individual who was known as 'Robin Hood'.

In the town of Stuartpuram in Andhra Pradesh, individuals call Nageshwar Rao as 'Tiger' and some as 'Robin Hood of Andhra'.

Presently a film named 'Tiger' Nageshwar Rao is likewise emerging and entertainer Ravi Teja is playing the lead job in it.

The account of 'Tiger' Nageshwar Rao

As indicated by police records, Nageshwar Rao was one of the popular dacoits of Stuartpuram and had a few serious bodies of evidence enlisted against him.

He was killed in an experience with the police on Walk 24, 1980, however before this experience he had gotten away from the grasp of the police a few times.

Nageshwar Rao's sibling Prabhakar Rao says that the justification for his demise was his awful deeds.

Prabhakar Rao says that even before my dad, individuals in our family used to take. We have likewise dedicated numerous burglaries and thefts. My more youthful sibling Nageshwar Rao was likewise prepared by him however anything that he took, he used to give it away.'

Prabhakar Rao currently resides in a little house in Stuartpuram and has likewise dedicated a few robberies previously.

He says that his more youthful sibling never attempted to conceal his cash, however he used to disseminate anything he took among individuals.

Thus, he got extraordinary help among the commoners and when he was killed in a police experience, there was a rush of outrage among individuals.

Burglary occurrence in Banaganapalli

In the year 1974, a bank was burglarized in Banaganapalli area of present day Nandyal region and the news spread all around the country.

In spite of tight security, the burglars entered the bank and escaped with a lot of cash and gems. It is expressed that around then 35 lakh rupees was stolen from in this theft.

This episode of breaking into a bank and denying it around midnight turned into a subject of conversation in the entire country.

Conversing with BBC, Prabhakar Rao said that 'A sum of ten individuals from our posse were engaged with this theft. Since the bank was inverse the police headquarters, we avoided potential risk. We crushed the spirit entryway of the bank and entered around midnight.

About the stole from products, Prabhakar Rao says that it contained 14 kg gold and 50,000 rupees in real money.

As per Prabhakar Rao, "Before the plunder was appropriated among themselves, the police encompassed our town. Nageshwar figured out how to get away yet I gave up before the police.

jail Break

Nageshwar Rao began negligible burglaries with his sibling during the 1970s while Prabhakar was at that point a popular hoodlum. From that point onward, Nageshwar Rao took part in a few significant burglaries for around 10 years.

Nageshwar Rao's fans called him 'Tiger' as he had avoided the police a few times in spite of committing huge scope burglaries in states like Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.

"We were captured in Tamil Nadu in 1976 and both were kept in various correctional facilities," says Prabhakar Rao. At the point when we met during a court appearance, Nageshwar said he could never again remain in prison, after which one day he went after the prison specialists and got away. After this break, some cops from Tamil Nadu let me know that your sibling is actually a tiger.

How did Stuartpuram turn into a 'Town of Hoodlums'?

Until the 1980s, Stuartpuram was known as the 'Town of Hoodlums'. Individuals of Stuartpuram framed a few packs and serious demonstrations of burglary and theft in various regions.

Somewhere in the range of 1911 and 1914, individuals engaged with different violations were gathered together and gotten comfortable Stuartpuram. The point of the public authority was to keep every one of the cheats in a single spot with the goal that they could be firmly checked.

That is the reason, any place there was a wrongdoing around here, individuals of this town were thought.

The wrongdoings carried out by 'Tiger' Nageshwar Rao and his accessories made Stuartpuram more notorious and it turned into a test for the police to get the group.The standing of the town was in question

During the English rule in India

Christianity was likewise used to change these criminals, yet there was no achievement. From that point forward, alongside the police and the public authority, government assistance associations likewise came into the conflict.

After the burglary in Banaganapalli, Himalatha and her better half Lavanam, the pioneers behind a comparative establishment, Nastik Kendra, made a few endeavors at change in Stuartpuram. The two of them met Nageshwar Rao in prison and attempted to change over him through letters.

Kompalli Sundar, who has explored the historical backdrop of Stuartpuram, says that the town has had great outcomes in giving area and different offices to hoodlums after their delivery from jail.

As per Kompali Separate, Stuartpuram changed because of Himalata and Lavanam's enthusiastic endeavors. At first, everybody felt that Nageshwar Rao had changed alongside Prabhakar Rao.

However, Prabhakar Rao says that 'violations committed in the past kept Nageshwar Rao from enlisting in the public standard. He got back to the universe of wrongdoing and was killed in police terminating.

"Individuals of Stortpuram have failed to remember their injuries from a long time ago."

A few movies have been made on Stuartpuram previously. Presently a Telugu film 'Tiger' Nageshwar Rao is coming up. Because of which this town is by and by in conversation. The movie is being coordinated by Vamsi Krishna and the shooting of the film is in progress.

Individuals in Stuartpuram have various suppositions about making a film on Nageswara Rao.

"The film unit addressed me, they requested subtleties yet I don't maintain that set of experiences should be twisted," Prabhakar Rao told the BBC.

"At the point when we concentrated in Stuartpuram, individuals took a gander at us in an unexpected way. There was a misconception, presently it is decreasing. The town has gone through many changes. There are many individuals who have sought after advanced education and settled abroad. Individuals of Stuartpuram have failed to remember their injuries from a long time ago.

Sharda hails from a similar town and is as of now working in the IT area in Chennai. They dread that such movies will bring the town into unsavoriness, which could prompt more issues.

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